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The trainer well prepared the course material beforehand and the session was very flexible and arranged to meet the trainee's interests. The management staffs were also around during the course to help us. The project was well managed in a friendly atmosphere throughout.
Kikuko Shoyama
Curso - Repast - Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS)
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Repast Consultoría
Cursos de Fin de Semana de Repast, Capacitación por la Tarde de Repast, Repast boot camp, Clases de Repast, Capacitación de Fin de Semana de Repast, Cursos por la Tarde de Repast, Repast coaching, Instructor de Repast, Capacitador de Repast, Repast con instructor, Cursos de Formación de Repast, Repast en sitio, Cursos Privados de Repast, Clases Particulares de Repast, Capacitación empresarial de Repast, Talleres para empresas de Repast, Cursos en linea de Repast, Programas de capacitación de Repast, Clases de Repast